The Journey from childhood to Adulthood

 I am of the belief that our world and our lives are not entirely in our control. There is an element of randomness or luck as you may call it that affects our lives the other element is obviously our own choices. Most people recall their childhood as the happiest time's, when there was nothing to worry about, no responsibilities to shoulder, looking ahead a child's life is full of possibilities , he could take any number of professions from being a lawyer, scientist, doctor , looking backwards people think that in the hindsight they were  destined to become their present versions. Your childhood is far more precious to your parents than yourself , most of us don't remember the way we acted, but these memories are invaluable to our parents, who still cherish them, live them each and every day.They still you see you as the small baby that was born with little fingers and toes. In the chaos of life, we fail to appreciate the happiness and possibilities that we have, and how far we have come.

As adults we are often in an hurry to achieve that next milestone, constantly chasing goals and wanting things quickly, in fact not enjoying the present gifts and  recklessly chasing future, but we tend to forget how we were incapable of simple acts of talking, walking  etc. We all grow so much and change but it should be commonly accepted wisdom that we need to be patient with our goals, I don't detest having big dreams, but not having the patience to wait for them leads to disasters (frauds, scams, downfalls, depression etc.). 

Our childhoods were a happy memory because of the lower expectations , I vividly remember being happy that my spinning top was still spinning , or playing with toys, as adults we expect and want too much out of our life and even under slight under-performance we harbor suspicion regarding our abilities, the effort we put , or maybe blame it on our conditions. As adults we are just animals trying to climb up in social hierarchical order, we are happy making 90k if everyone else around us is making 70k, and making 70k when everyone around is making 60k, we can not judge our success and failures , not even satisfaction in absolute sense and this is a fundamental cause to our unhappiness, even Warren Buffet (net worth 84Bn Dollars) can think that he has not done well enough because Jeff Bezos (net worth 184 Bn Dollars) is earning more. Societal comparisons make our lives miserable.      

Our childhood is the time when  we learn  most, from basic motor functions to learning to speak languages, to developing traits, but as adults we specialize in one subject , try to get a good job and sit and watch Netflix, Leisure is absolutely necessary but how can the once curious child , lose all that curiosity , as adults very few of us learn anything beyond their professional needs and that is because we are too afraid to fall, to fail, and I am not telling you to take huge risks and blow yourself up but as adults we become too fearful of failing even in simplest of things like learning to sing, draw, play a musical instrument , learning a language, and let us admit that learning anything new requires mental effort, and we don't like to be seen as struggling with anything, especially when others are breezing through it,  we don't like to feel stupid , so we avoid stepping out of our circle of comfort. But children don't care , they make mistakes, they take their time, they fall, cry, laugh and do it again and then they finally get it. If we can accept this feeling of frustrations and accept that learning new skills is difficult and is not meant to be taken as a personal insult we will be able to learn a lot more.

Living a better life is all about being more compassionate towards yourself for your shortcomings and accepting that the successes that we have achieved in our life is not entirely ours , the odds and the gods too favored you this time. 

-- Unlucky Fool


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